I was never a huge Michael Jackson fan growing up, but like anybody else in the western world who went through their formative years in the ’70 and ’80 I was aware of and influence by Michael Jackson’s music and constant tabloid life. After the mid ‘80’s I kind of stopped paying attention except for the occasional sensational Michael Jackson story I pretty much was unaware of what he was doing, musically or otherwise.
I never went to a Michael Jackson concert; I didn’t buy any Michael Jackson albums or subsequent CDs. After “Black or White” I stopped paying attention to his “short films” (as he liked to have them referred to) and I just didn’t give him much thought. Of course I saw his face change through the years. I knew his hair caught on fire during a Pepsi commercial. I noticed him dangle Blanket out of the window because when that happened you couldn’t turn on the TV and not see it. I was aware that he had been accused of child molestation in the early ‘90’s and knew that he paid off the accuser. And I thought that he might indeed be a child molester. I heard him talk about being strip searched and I did feel sorry for him. But I didn’t give it much more thought. I was aware that in the early 2000’s he again had to deal with some one accusing him of child molestation. And this time he had to go to court. I didn’t follow it too close because I had burnt out on OJ by then. A couple years latter he was acquitted. But when I saw him on TV he looked like he had really been put through the wringer. I thought it was interesting that he chose self-imposed exile rather than stay in this country. Still I wasn't giving him too much thought.
Life went on and I’d see an occasional picture standing in the grocery line, usually on a tabloid rather then a reputable magazine. Michael in a burqa, Michael dangling Blanket (they wouldn’t let that one go), Michael with a band aide on his nose, looking lost… I didn’t know he went to Ireland after he left the Middle East, then to Las Vegas, then back to LA living in a rented mansion. I didn’t even know he was planning a comeback.
On June 25th, in the early evening around 5:30, so 2:30 LA time, I was sitting in a CeeCee’s with my best friend and he was facing the TV and I was facing away. The sound was off so I didn’t know what was being shown. We were talking about Farrah Fawcett who had just died that morning and how it was probably a blessing, and I mentioned the “rule of three”. My friend, who was looking at the TV over my shoulder, said: “Michael Jackson is dead.” - “What? No way. That can’t be true, he’s a young man. He can’t be dead there must be some mistake. Are you sure that’s what it said?” - “Yeap.” Well I was pretty stunned and I remained stunned for the rest of the day.
I'm still not sure why but His death hit me pretty hard. I didn’t weep and wail and cry. But I did want to know what happened, I mean what really happened. As much as any of us can know. I mean; He was a very private man. The blog posts that follow will chronicle my research, both what I’ve learned in the past three weeks and whatever I find out as more information surfaces, and suppositions that I have formed regarding Michael Jackson. What I think may have motivated Him and His actions. And, I know I’m going out on a limb here, what I think may be indications that Michael Jackson was the Second Coming.