The People’s Pharmacy did a program on “Why we get Fat”.

It is exhausting trying to explain to people that fat does not make you FAT. Telling them that not only is “fat” an essential macro molecule that our body requires to sustain itself in a healthy way; it is used in making cells, which then can be stuffed with “sugar” which actually makes us FAT. The only reason a low fat diet might seem like its working at first is because restricting fat will cause the body to shift gears in how it stores the sugar, because it is running out of building blocks to make cells. Now we have tons of sugar running around in our blood and the pancreas is going nuts with the insulin and the cells receptors are like: oh no you’re not shoving more “energy” in us, we’ll just shut down these receptors (so you feel tired after a meal because the cell is not letting the energy in) and now the body is like, well what am I supposed to do with all this sugar? I guess I’ll just store it in the fat-cells that I already have made, because I’m not letting it go, we may not have anything to eat for another month (because that’s how the body thinks). So yeah, it’s complicated and the average American person doesn’t seem to be able to handle complicated. They want something easy, like: oh, Fat = fat, well sorry, it’s just not that simple. Buy the way, once a fat-cell is made, it’s yours for life. Losing weight does not = loosing fat cells. They will always be there ready to be stuffed full of sugar the next time you have a surplus. That’s why you gain it back that much quicker the next time around.
So people get hung up on the word “FAT”. I think in order for people to “get it” we need to change the words to something else. What those words would be… I have no idea; I’m not a word smith. But I can see that the confusion for the average American comes because the two words Fat and Fat are the same but they are not REALLY referring to the same thing. And no I don’t have any degrees in this stuff, I just listen and learn and comprehend what is actually going on, I don’t take things on blind faith and if something doesn’t work the way Dr. or the Preacher says it’s supposed to work I don’t accept it anyway, because they’re human just like me and we’re all capable of making mistakes. What makes us smart is how we deal with those mistakes; by going out and making more observations, drawing new conclusions, and testing them. It is an ongoing process.
So when I read a response like “Er, no it isn't.” or “This guest made me ill.” or “Question: How does a vegetarian adapt to the Atkins diet?”. I know that I’m still seeing the average American who doesn’t want to think for themselves and I feel exhausted. BTW, a vegetarian doesn’t adapt to the Adkins dies. If you’re a vegetarian just stop eating SUGAR, and yes, I'm talking about twinkies. (There’s another word that needs to change, but that one I know, we should call it poison.)