This was our final project in the Information Systems Technology Associates curriculum at the our community college. It was challenging, more so because, I felt, we had so little direction; then because, not all of the needed information was actually covered in the curriculum classes. (To be clear, my instructor had little direction to give us, I don't blame him). These days, It’s easy enough to go out on the internet, and find anything you need, provided you know what you’re looking for. But my instructor intimated that this “Proposal Response” really shouldn’t be any more than 3 or 4 pages. Well, to my mind, didn't seem feasible. I felt if one were to truly answer all of the questions that were “asked” in this case study, they’d be writing a book. As it was the paper I turned in was 22 pages. Please feel free to visit my public Google Bookmark page which I created out of all the places I visited on the net for my information. And if you have any constructive criticism I'd appreciate a comment left here. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteyou are 100% correct regarding the minimalist project proposal. I beat my head for hours on end to reduce my systems analysis, design and deployment proposal pages from 45 pages to 25. While the project had no strict guidelines for approach, I personally felt a little unprofessional by not handing in assessments, analysis, designs and instructions for multiple fail scenarios due to incompatibilities or run of the mill Murphy's law. There were just way to many contingencies to handle, I agree that this is a project which should have been compartmentalized with individual groups focusing on individual areas. This would have allowed a robust analysis allowing each group to hammer down on problem areas. I really like your thorough and meticulous referencing of your complete project. If you are not already in the field, I believe you will be an asset to any firm. I am working on just getting in the door myself, so keep your fingers crossed for me. If you are in the IT field and ever need any Volunteer work just shoot me a quick email as I would be more than glad to help in any way to get my foot in the door for IT. My name is Christopher M. Beiring, I am the guy who manages Verizon. My email is Christopher.beiring@gmail.com, friend me on Facebook . I know that seems weird but I am doing everything I can to get my foot in the door with little experience in the field.