Day 1 - Thursday, March 31st 2016 - with the assistance of a mentor who is a 50 year veteran to beekeeping, misted the wax foundation with syrup, installed two packages (by shaking them out onto queen cage) into 8 frame mediums. Put 2 quarts of syrup in top feeders.
Day 4 - Sunday, April 3rd - checked to see that queens were out of their queen cage.
Day 5 - Monday, April 4th - put 2 more quarts of syrup in the top feeders, it seemed low to me.
The weather has been unpredictable both cool and windy and warm and sunny.
I'm noticing that the Green hive seems much more active that the Brown hive. I did have an awning up over them for the first couple of days but it seemed to be keeping them in the shade too much so I took it down. My thought was to keep the worst of any down pours off of them mostly because the hives have tin roofs and I know that vibrations bother them. I thought the awning would help mitigate that. So I have put thin plywood on them now to help with the rain vibrations. I hope they like it...
Day 12 - Monday, April 11th - and I'm wanting to check for eggs but my mentor has encouraged me to wait. He says the queen is not 'ready' (whatever that means) yeah he's not what I would call a communicator.
Day 14 - Wednesday, April 13th - 10:39am about 50 degrees in the sun (feels colder) I'm feeling like I need to check the syrup and maybe add to it if it's low. They have been fairly active, again the Green one is more active than the Brown one.
Ok that's about all I can remember from the last two weeks. I'll do a new post for the next entry.
Wish me luck !
Addendum: 5pm - ok, so I did go out at around 3:30 and checked the top feeders which were bone dry. I made up some syrup and put in about 2 quarts in each hive. They seemed to take advantage of the food so I guess it made them 'happy'.
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