Friday, April 29, 2016

Videoed hive inspection.

I did a hive inspection on Monday the 25th which would have been...

Day 26 - I inspected one hive, the brown one (I'm really gonna need to name these hives...) and it looked really good. I had a friend hold the camcorder but she was more interested in looking at the bees than making sure they stayed in the frame. But here's the video anyway there are a couple of good shots.  I ended up putting 3 more quarts of sugar in each top feeder and I cleaned mold off of one of the inner covers.

Day 26 Hive Inspection

Day 30 (Friday the 29th) - just checked the top feeders and the brown one is empty (with lots of bees still trying to eat) and the green one looks like it has about 1/2 quart (with very few bees eating).  There is considerable mold on the inside of both covers and the inside top cover.  Tomorrow I will go out and clean the mold and see if I can get the dead bees out of the top feeders. Also I need to do an inspection of the green box so I'll set up the tripod and try to do that with a stationary camera.

I'm concerned that the green hive has hive beetles and they may be impacting the hive strength.  I did not see hive beetles in the brown hive when I checked them last Monday. Tomorrow I will go into the green hive and check how they are doing.


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